Terms of Reference

The Fiscal Council’s initial Terms of Reference reflect the commitments in the 2020 New Decade New Approach (NDNA) agreement.

Initial Terms of Reference

As we set about our work, and in line with the initial ToR, we engaged with stakeholders to understand the strengths and weaknesses of current public finance reporting and scrutiny and how best we can fulfil both the specific tasks set out in the ToR and the broader mission that we are embarking on.  View our Stakeholder engagement and forward work plan report.

We continue to welcome comments from anyone interested in the work of the Fiscal Council, our reports and how we can add value. Some topics on which contributions would be particularly valuable are:

  • What do you see as the main strengths and weaknesses of current reporting and scrutiny of Northern Ireland’s public finances? How might we expand or improve the public finances data that are currently available?
  • In terms of our reports to date, are there ways in which they might be improved?
  • Are there any other ways in which you think we could increase public awareness and understanding of the public finances?

We welcome your suggestions on these topics or on other matters of interest.  You can provide your comments by emailing the Fiscal Council at info@nifiscalcouncil.org