NI Fiscal Council to publish its first report on the sustainability of the NI public finances

The NI Fiscal Council is publishing its Sustainability Report 2022’ on Wednesday 7 September 2022.


Our Terms of Reference require us to prepare an “annual report on the sustainability of the Executive’s public finances, including the implications of spending policy and the effectiveness of long-term efficiency measures”. Our sustainability report considers the long-term opportunities and challenges confronting the NI public finances.

Sustainability report 2022 front cover

During our engagement with stakeholders there was a strong message that detailed discussion of special topics would be useful as part of this report. We will therefore fulfil our Terms of Reference by publishing our sustainability report in two volumes:

  • a report on the fiscal sustainability of NI’s public finances in general terms, published on 7 September; followed by
  • a more detailed discussion of the sustainability of the health sector to be published later this month.

The Sustainability Report 2022 will be published on our website at 11am on 7 September 2022.